
Everyone has a favorite when it comes to coffee.  A few of us that have traveled the world experimenting and exploring with coffee. In relation to oil, it is the number second commodity. Some of us are even best talked to after having our second cup in the mornings. Because of how it makes them feel.


There’s been an incorrect execution about coffee, and weight loss up until now. Losing weight has nothing to do with brewing coffee.  In fact it has been tried countless times. The biohacking genus has given rise to plus plôs thermo. You can enjoy this “SNAP” by just squeezing it into your preferred hot or cold coffee beverages. As this non dairy creamer improves your beloved beverage. 

Simple! By boosting our emotions, boosting our spirits, and aiding to those burning stored fat, through thermogenic properties, this biohacking, non-dairy creamer aids in weight loss.

What enhances the taste of our coffee in the mornings?

When I first woke up in the mornings, I was eager to begin my days, and I would make my Coffee.  After all, the most important things in life are those precious moments we have with our family, enjoying great food, and occasionally fine wine. Not all wines are the same, as common ones. Over the past few years, I have discovered that relaxing with fine wine is incredibly pleasant. Also to end the day on a more positive approach, reflecting on the adventures of the day, and having a conversation with our spouse was an awesome experience. We all like to talk about our ideas, and plans for the future, which include the following. 


Everyday activities, such and living habits, seem normal to me.  I do like delicious foods, nice wine and chocolates.  It is true, however it is harder to say no to a delicious pie, or cheese cake. It tastes better, no question about it..  You can feel as if you are eating comfort food, which makes you want to quit.  Even though you may eventually lose control over quality food. 

This is what I refer to as my “cake

Many people can not wait to wake up and begin their day. We should be prepared to change things. I wish I dedicated my attention everyday to achieving my objectives. In terms of faith in God, health, money and mind. 

A lot of people are eager to begin their day as soon as they wake up. Change is something we should be willing to welcome and accept. I want to focus more on accomplishing my daily goals. Concerning my spiritual, mental, physical, and financial well being.

Before I discovered the solution, these were some of the negative thoughts in “Having my Cake, and Eating my Cake.”

Spending time eating fine foods, and occasionally drinking fine wines with loved ones is what life is all about. I appreciate superb foods and the culinary arts. On occasions I enjoying FINE WINES as well. All Fine wines are not just any old wine. In the past several years, I have been able to unwind with Fine wines and they have been very enjoyable. And to properly end  the day, by spending time with our spouse, and thinking back on our daily events, and adventures, we all talk about our plans, for our future that lies ahead in our following days, weeks, and even years to come.

I use to wake up eager to begin my days. By having my coffee ready first thing in the morning. Having a seat, and begin the day enjoying a cup of coffee. Often times I sacrificed everything I had just so I could help anyone I could reach, touch, or counseling them in becoming the best versions of themselves, in order to lift up, improve, brighten, and enhance the quality of their life.

The Coffee Additive for Unbelievably Easy Weight Loss

As I do this, I have often enjoyed great food, fine wines; and have been watching as I gain weight slowly and what seems steadily. I’m am even conscious of my health needs, replacing meals with nutritious and low calorie shakes. I trade bad choices for good choices, so in theory I could still enjoy all the Fine Foods and Fine Wine in the evenings, what I refer to as “celebrating the day”, and drinking coffee help me to relax. Though it seems my body and I seem to be at odds; leaving me to constantly battle weight gain, weight Loss, in a battle.

I have often attempted crazy diets, in an attempt to shed forty to fifty  pounds at times. These approaches always cause a lifestyle apart from what I found enjoyable, and we’re definitely not “Eating my cake.”  and my struggles went on, since I couldn’t endure where I was at in my life.

This was not a very enjoyable time, and I knew a few others who have experienced the same difficulties. (As you continue reading this challenge, it has now been overcome).

Right up until… I had discovered the answer, so I wasn’t able to have my cake, and eat it too! I was simply altering my morning Joe, and this was enough to settle the problem I was having, Nothing else changed.

And these are the Side Effects of me with “My Cake” and me “Eating My Cake” (After I found my Solution)

This is where coffee and wine comes into my life all the time now. Plus I am able to share this with those around me. It is a wonderful thing. I literally feel like I have found the “Unicorn” of weight management. Though I have no intention to keep it a secret and literally share it with anyone I can. We only live once right!

With our plôs thermo  – Just add this AMAZING stuff to your Coffee (or other beverage of choice). You get to enjoy the taste and flavor; and you get to FEEL GREAT and LOSE WEIGHT. As a result gain help in losing those pesky INCHES around the gut, thighs, butt. You will want to thank me forever, as I am already thanking the friend that share this with me. I am able to lose weight and keep it off without the stresses of crash diets, severe diet or restrictions.

I really just drink 1 to 2 cups of great tasting coffee (using the plôs thermo as my creamer) throughout the morning. It makes me feel great and gives me a lot of energy. This is proven weight loss that we add to our favorite coffee!  Common sense applied, I Eat sensibly, and enjoy a great Dinner (with Wine) throughout the week. We also have our fun, and “splurges” with our weekly Date Nights. Plus, we get to look and feel great – all because of plôs thermo. And just wait, there is even more where that came from!

  • No need to exercise!
  • No need to be on any Special Diets!
  • We do not need to measure out anything.
  • No need to change our lifestyles around this.
  • Be set with a Scientific Wonder that allows us to literally eat cake and lose weight!

Life is stressful enough.

The JOB, the Family, the bills… all of it. We do not deserve to suffer with our weight, and fat. We need a helping hand, and it is here in the form of plôs thermo being added to our favorite Coffee (or other favorite beverage) that delivers us the methods to lose the weight. It literally melts away.

OH, if you need help with the bills; Be sure to check out the Business Side of how we not only lose the weight, but lose the debt! Information available as you get set with your order of plôs thermo; and you will be able to reach out to me through registering – – – TO THE RIGHT OF THIS ARTICLE ======> to my email newsletter. You can reply straight to me, and we can discuss this further. Or see our Contact Us Information Page.

Want to ENHANCE your Weight Loss? You need to add the power of Bio-Hacking! See it here! It is awesome having this incredible non-dairy creamer plôs thermo to add to your morning brew. In Addition; We have even more incredible “Awesomeness” to help you sleep, feel better, increase your mental focus and mood, as well as to better your hair, nails, skin and so much more.